Free Signature Collection Item up to $12 with $10 Purchase from Bath & Body Works through 11/2/2008
Thanks to GoBunnyBuy
Click here to print the coupon for in-store use or key in code FREESC, good till 11/2/2008.
The website is offering buy 1 get another 50% off on most of its signature collections, so the best deal here will be:
Step 1: Pick 2 items from the signature collections that are offered as buy 1 get another 50% off at equal prices and below $12, say 2 body lotions at $10.50 each. Your shopping cart will be showing $15.75 with the 50% off offer.
Step 2: Remember, $10.50 out of the $15.75 will be free after you apply the free item coupon, which means your total is $5.25, and you only need to add another $4.75 to make it $10 purchase for the coupon to work!
So you get $10.50 + $10.50 + $4.75 worth of items, but you are actually paying $0 + $5.25 + $4.75, which is $10 out of $25.75, what a saving!
But of course there's the shipping charge of $5.95, it's not worth it online, so try do it at your local shop!